NHD Mass Spec Services

In addition to its powerful gel-based protein and proteome services NHD offers sophisticated mass spectrometry (MS) services such as

  • • Shot Gun MS for protein identifcation in proteomes
  • • Targeted MS for ID and validation of biomarkers
  • • MALDI-TOF fingerprinting


NHD mass spec services enables the detection, identification and quantification of proteins by measuring their mass and characterizing their chemical structure.

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About MS

Mass spectrometry in proteomics

In proteomics, mass spectrometry is applied to characterize and sequence proteins. Over the last decades, it has become an indispensable technique. Its development over the last decades has led to three fundamental applications: determining protein interaction, categorizing protein expression and locating protein modification.

Mass spectrometry in pharmacology

In pharmacology, mass spectrometry is applied for drug discovery to determine the structure of drugs and metabolites and for screening metabolites in biological systems.

Tandem Mass Spectrometry (MS/MS)

Tandem mass spectrometry involves a tandem mass spectrometer. The sample undergoes ionization and mass-charge ratio separation in the first stage of mass spectrometry (MS1). Then, selected ions of the articular mass-charge ratio are fragmented to generate product ions for detection in the second stage of mass spectrometry (MS2).

Tandem mass spectrometry gives additional information about the selected ions. It is typically applied to sequence proteins and oligonucleotides because the fragments analyzed can be compared to peptides or nucleic acid sequences found in databases.

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Modern Replacement for PhastSystem

ORCA Multitasking Workstation

The ORCA Multitasking Workstation brings gel-based electrophoresis to the modern digital life.

No time-consuming staining/ destaining of gels but fast automated read-out, analysis and reporting within seconds.

The system provides you an ideal replacement for the former PhastSystem from GE Healthcare.


Learn more about System Integrated Digital Electrophoresis

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Western Blot: What happens to my protein?

Monitoring and Normalization of Sample Protein

The immunochemical detection of specific proteins by Western Blot analysis is performed by different steps including: protein extraction, separation, transfer, blocking, antibody incubation, washing, target detection.

The protein transfer rate is less than 100%. Transferred proteins are not covalently bound to the blotting membrane. Therefore, the amount protein of each sample is continuously decreased (see figure below). The loss of protein is caused by different sources (e.g. hydrophobicity, mechanical shearing forces,...).

Valid Normalisation of Western Blots

The patented Smart Protein Layers (SPL) technology offers you the easy but sensitive detection of sample protein  during all stages of the Western Blot procedure. The precise detection of sample amount present on the blot at the same time the target is immunodetected allows for the accurate normalisation of target protein expression.

Patented SPL Technology

The corresponding SPL kit comes with fluorescent SPL label which rapidly bind to the sample protein prior electrophoresis. Depending on sample properties two different workflows can be used.


SPL EASY workflow
Very easy usage of the SPL kit  limited to samples within a range of 25μg - 75μg of extracted total protein.

Advanced usage of the SPL kit for scarce samples and/ or particular buffer compositions. This approach provides further information about the sample, the labeling reaction and monitors the complex WB workflow.

Both the easy and advanced workflow offer precise protein transfer monitoring and allow for experiment-to-experiment comparisons.

Order your SPL kit now!

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NHD expands Protein Services

NH DyeAGNOSTICS (NHD) expands the capacity for its protein analysis service.

"Up to now we had the analysis of intact protein in focus" says Dr. Jan Heise, CEO of NHD. " However, in response to the steadily increasing demand on our Protein Services we added gel-free mass spectrometry based analysis to our service portfolio". In addition the powerful 2D gel based analyses, NHD offers fast Shot Gun MS Analysis or Targeted MS for the identification and validation of protein biomarkers.

A key role is NHDs long-term experience in sample preparation especially when it comes to more challenging samples. In addition our well focussed analysis strategies ensure rapid and most valuable results.

Learn more.

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Innovativstes Unternehmen in Ostdeutschland

Laut dem Wirtschaftsmagazin WIRTSCHAFT+MARKT zählt die NH DyeAGNOSTICS GmbH zu den 150 innovativsten Unternehmen in Ost- deutschland. Nach Angaben des Magazins wurden dazu Wirtschaftsministerien, Investitionsbanken, Bürgschaftsbanken sowie Beteiligungs- und Landeswirtschafts- förderungsgesellschaften befragt. NHD zählt damit weiterhin zu einem der Leuchttürme im Bereich von Innovationen in der Gesundheitswirtschaft.

Wir freuen uns über diese Auszeichung und sehen es als Ansporn weiterhin für Wissenschaft, Industrie und Diagnostik schnelle und sichere Nachweisverfahren für Proteine zu entwickeln und zu verbessern. Aber auch die Identifikation von neuen Proteinbiomarkern oder die Charakterisierung von Proteinen z.B. in komplexen Proteingemischen soll weiterhin für uns eine große Rolle spielen.

Auch deshalb haben wir unsere Möglichkeiten für die Proteinanalytik stark vergrößert. So können wir nun auch diverse gel-freie Verfahren einbeziehen. Nicht zuletzt bieten wir über unsere Protein Services nun allen Kunden die Möglichkeit, für Sie schnell, zuverlässig und mit jahrelanger Expertise und umfangreichem Equipment sehr anspruchsvolle Untersuchungen durchführen zu können.

Für Kunden aus der forschenden Wissenschaft bedeutet dieses, dass Publikationszeiten deutlich verkürzt werden können, für die Industrie kann durch diese Zusammenarbeit u.a. die Time-to-Market Zeit verringert werden.

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