
VELUM Dry Blotter

The VELUM Dry Blotter allows for a very simple high quality, high efficiency protein transfer from gels to PVDF and nitrocellulose membranes. Compared to existing blotting devices the handling is much easier as its special combination of pressure and capillary action does not require any buffers or electric power. To ensure the homogenity of the applied pressure the VELUM Dry Blotter comes with a torque key.

Recommended for all types of gels and all kinds of PVDF and nitrocellulose membranes.


Blotting area: 265 x 120 mm




VELUM Dry Blotter

Product No. Description Price
PR88 VELUM Dry Blotter  895,00 EUR



We are happy to provide further information.

Please get in touch with us by phone +49 - 345 -2799 6413 (Mo - Fri 9am - 5pm)

or by email


BEO Dry Blotter

Sometimes it may not be the time that matters but the result. The BEO Dry Blotter transfers protein simply based on capillary action with phenomenal results in terms of transfer quality and efficiency. The blotting does neither require power nor additional buffer.

.And you can process up 18 blots derived from mini gels or 3 blots from large gels (e.g. Velum™ 1D, IEF or 2D gels) at the same time.


Blotting area: 295 x 235 mm


BEO Dry Blotter

Product No. Description Price
PR87 BEO Dry Blotter  795,00 EUR



We are happy to provide further information.

Please get in touch with us by phone +49 - 345 -2799 6413 (Mo - Fri 9am - 5pm)

or by email


Blotting Kits

We think, these PVDF and nitrocelluose transfer membranes provide the best combination of handling, transfer efficiency and low-fluorescence imaging properties. The kit contains blotting membranes as well as same size filter paper (5 pieces per membrane).



PVDF Membranes

Product No. Description lenght x width (mm) Pore size Price (EUR)
PR820 Low-fluorescent PVDF Blotting Kit - customized customized 0.45 µm quote
PR818 Low-fluorescent PVDF Blotting Kit - mini

pack of 10

100*100 0.45 µm 159.00
PR816 Low-fluorescent PVDF Blotting Kit - VELUM 1D

pack of 4

250*120 0.45 µm 179.00
PR862 Low-fluorescent PVDF Blotting Kit - VELUM 2D 250*180 0.45 µm 279.00
PR816SAR Low-fluorescent PVDF Blotting Kit - VELUM SAR

pack of 4

265*80 0.45 µm 139.00
PR814 Low-fluorescent PVDF Blotting Membrane - roll 300*3750 0.45 µm quote


Nitrocellulose Membranes

Product No. Description lenght x width (mm) Pore size Price


PR819 Low-fluorescent NC Blotting Kit - customized customized 0.45 µm quote
PR811 Low-fluorescent NC Blotting Kit -


pack of 10

100*100 0.45 µm 159.00
PR812 Low-fluorescent NC Blotting Kit - VELUM 1D

pack of 4

250*120 0.45 µm 179.00
PR861 Low-fluorescent NC Blotting Kit - VELUM 2D

pack of 4

250*180 0.45 µm 279.00
PR812SAR Low-fluorescent NC Blotting Kit - VELUM SAR

pack of 4

265*80 0.45 µm 139.00
PR813 Low-fluorescent NC Blotting

Membrane - roll

300*4000 0.45 µm quote



We are happy to provide further information.

Please get in touch with us by phone +49 - 345 -2799 6413 (Mo - Fri 9am - 5pm)

or by email


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