ORCA Workstation

ORCA Multitasking Workstation

System Integrated Digital Electrophoresis

System Integrated Digital Electrophoresis is a standardized system for gel-based (protein) analyses.

It provides...

a) user-independent results

b) stain-free qualitative and quantitative electrophoresis

c) fully automated sample detection and analysis

d) fully automated digital reporting and data integration


The ORCA Multitasking Workstation offers state-of-the-art technology for gel-based electrophoresis such as SDS-PAGE, native PAGE and IEF. It consists of ORCA Gel Electrophoresis unit and ORCA Analyzer, serving for detection and evaluation. Conventionally stained gels can also be analyzed, however, we do recommend raising your analytics to a new, stain-free quality level with our labeling technology.


Benefits of the ORCA Multitasking Workstation

  • • easy to use
  • • flexible number of samples (10 - 52 per run)
  • • protein staining/ destaining is not necessary
  • • automated sample detection by fluorescence
  • • automated digital analysis (e.g. quantification, identification, ...)
  • • automated reporting and communication
  • • compliant with 21 CFR Part 11


Flexible Quantity of Samples

Similar to the Multi-Tasking Workstation PhastSystem samples are separated by the ORCA Gel Electrophoresis unit. The corresponding VELUM Gels (for SDS-PAGE, Native PAGE, IEF and DNA) can take 25 or 52 samples, respectively. For better flexibility, depending on the sample quantity in each batch, the gels can be easily cut into halves and used separately.


Areas of Application

ORCA Workstation can be used for different research purposes, as well as in routine lab. Possible areas of use include, among others, seed testing, antibody quality control and Electrophoretic Analysis of Urinary Proteins.


User-independent Performance

The ORCA-system offers a new level of quality: it is fast, user-independent and provides reproducible qualitative / quantitative results, automation and digital reporting.

Stain-free, Digital Analysis

The combination of the ORCA Workstation and the stain-free, high sensitivity Smart Protein Layers Technology allows fully automated gel analysis within seconds. The ORCA Analyzer offers digital analysis of multiple sample parameters: i.e., identification and quantification of bands, determining Rf value.
A full, customized report is generated for each sample. This report can be integrated into the laboratory data management system.





For further information please contact infodyeagnostics.com


For quotes and orders please contact salesdyeagnostics.com


The ORCA Multitasking Workstation consists of the following products: PR2121, PR204, PR208 und PR209 (see table below).

Product No. Description Price




ORCA Analyzer


A system for an automatic gel detection, evaluation and online-reporting.


• barcode of each sample can be scanned for precise identification

• automatic detection and evaluation of fluorescent VELUM-gels

• optional: detection and evaluation of conventionally stained gels

• optional: integration of data into
EDV-lab management






Product No. Description Price




ORCA Gel Electrophoresis Routine


A module for horizontal electrophoresis of VELUM-gels, including gel frames for better precision






Product No. Description Price




ORCA High Precision Cooler


A high-precision water cooling system for 1-4 ORCA gel electrophoresis module





Product No. Description Price




ORCA Power Supply


A robust, programmable power supply for 1-4 ORCA Gel Electrophoresis Module.
Compatible with all gel-based separation techniques, including high-voltage separation (IEF, 2D) till 3.000V.










We are happy to provide further information.

Please get in touch with us by phone +49 - 345 -2799 6413 (Mo - Fri 9am - 5pm)

or by email infodyeagnostics.com.


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